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2024 My Market Melbourne Update

2024 My Market Melbourne Update

Melbourne is poised for remarkable growth, making it a prime spot for savvy investors. Here's why Melbourne should be your next investment choice:

  1. Robust Population Growth: Leading at 2.9% annually, fueling a constant demand for housing.
  2. Historic Low Vacancy Rates: At just 1.1%, indicating a tight rental market and potential for high rental yields.
  3. Significant Capital Growth: Properties are expected to appreciate by 20-21% over the next three years

Join Grant Ryan, Director of Property and Research as he unpacks Melbourne's thriving property market in our 2024 My Market update. 


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Eric & Mandy Luo
Accounting/insurance industry professionals

*Artist Impression: Architecture, services, furnishings and landscaping are indicative only and subject to change. Images of indicative views, outlook and descriptions of views from apartments will vary and should not be relied upon as representative of final views from any particular apartment, views may also be impacted by future development of the surrounding land.